
Aircon Tips That Will Extend Your Aircon’s Life

Mang Kosme Editorial Team
Sino dito ang confident na responsible aircon owner sila? Tatlong palakpak para sa inyong mga sarili, Kosmenatics! Kung medyo 50-50 ka naman, the good thing is that Mang Kosme is at your rescue to provide you with simple DIY aircon cleaning hacks that can extend the life of your unit.   


Whether you own a window or split-type aircon, this blog is for you, so keep hanging out with us until the end.


Let’s dive in! 



How to Clean a Window-Type Aircon


As you may have observed, window-type ACs are the most common units you can find in a household. They’re easy to install and utilize. Even better, it’s you can do the cleaning at home by utilizing your home's resources. If you have this kind of aircon at home, here’s some AC knowledge that we’re dropping to extend the life of your aircon.



Take Off and Clean the Grille Cover

The first step is to remove the plug from the power outlet. Then press the metal casing to remove the front cover of your aircon. This doesn’t usually require any tools (unless your AC has screws). Nonetheless, you can just use a screwdriver to take them off. Once you’re able to remove the cover, wash it carefully with a garden hose and get that sticky dirt from your aircon grille.



Remove and Clean the Filter

Consider this one of the key steps in this process. After all, your AC’s filter is the trap to catch those stubborn allergens, and you wouldn’t want to be a welcoming host for them because, yikes! The point is to clean them thoroughly every month or two. After removing the front cover, you can now easily pull out the air filter. To clean it, you can soak it in a basin of water for 5 to 10 minutes. You can even use a vacuum to get rid of heavy sediment, then wipe it down with a wet cloth to remove dust and debris. Then, you can also spray it down with a garden hose, and it should just take a couple of hours to dry under the sun.



Clean Aircon Coils and Fins

Grab a toothbrush or any soft-bristle brush to clean the coils and fins. ‘Wag lang masyadong gigil, Kosmenatic! Be gentle and carefully brush off the dirt to prevent any damage.
And that’s how simple it is to clean a window-type AC. Moreover, for units that haven’t been maintained for a while, it’s best to consult an AC technician for deep cleaning and maintenance.



How to Clean a Split-Type Aircon


Although it may seem complicated, cleaning a split-type AC is something that you can do by yourself. Yes, don’t be fooled by its appearance. Here are some DIY cleaning hacks to help you maintain your aircon in pristine condition.




Turn Off the Power

Before starting any cleaning, always ensure that the power to your split-type aircon is turned off. Safety first, Kosmenatics!


Remove and Rinse the Filters

Similar to window-type aircons, the filters in split-type units also play a crucial role in trapping dust and allergens. Remove the filters carefully and clean them thoroughly using a vacuum cleaner or by washing with water and mild detergent. Make sure they are completely dry before reinstalling them.


Clean the Indoor Unit

For safety, switch off your aircon and unplug from the outlet. From there, you can gently lift and remove the front panel. You can now get easy access to slide out the main air filter. Afterwards, you can soak it in a basin of water for 5 to 10 minutes. Don’t forget to lightly shake the main filter to remove excess water. Allow it to dry naturally under the sun before you put it back in again.

All this sounds simple, doesn’t it? These DIY cleaning hacks are some of the responsibilities of an aircon owner. Keep in mind that a well-maintained unit lets you enjoy your investment for longer. More importantly, you can save yourself from costly repairs and the hassle that comes with it. Additionally, you also need to book professional maintenance at least every 3 months for thorough checkups and cleaning.

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Catch you at the next read, Kosmenatics!